sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2011


By 23andme I am 2.7% Neanderthal !

Europeans will have a "bigger" proportion of Neanderthal DNA than Africans, as we can observe in the comparison !

terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

My Clan

My Clan:

Picture of the family Gomes de Oliveira from Joinville, Santa Catarina, in 1923. The older lady is my (Ricardo Costa de Oliveira) Great-Great-grandparent Rosa Leocadia Gallo Machado, born 1830, widow of João Gomes de Oliveira (1824-1892). On his side are four of their children. On the left side (pictured) is his daughter Rosa Gomes de Oliveira married to Antonio de Oliveira Mira, parents of Crispim Mira famous writer from Santa Catarina. On the left we have João Gomes de Oliveira (son), Vereador in Joinville and Captain of the National Guard (paternal Great- grandfather of Ricardo Costa de Oliveira). On the right side of Rosa Leocadia we have Procopio de Oliveira Gomes, Deputy and Mayor of Joinville, married to Mary Balbina de Miranda. On the right side of Procopio we have Clemencia Gomes de Oliveira, who married Francisco Jose Ribeiro, Vereador in Joinville. Upstairs, in the center (under an arrow and the number 3), is Placido Gomes de Oliveira, MD, State Representative, son of Procopio. By his side (number 4) is Carlos Gomes de Oliveira, Senator, cousin and son in law of Procopio. Carlos Gomes de Oliveira lived more than 100 years and he was the president of the Brazilian senate in 1955. He represented Brazil and spoke at the United Nations in 1957.

sábado, 10 de dezembro de 2011

Landscapes of my Y DNA

Landscapes of my Y DNA in Northern Portugal and in Southern Brazil

My Paternal line came from Guilhado, Milhazes, Barcelos to São Francisco do Sul in the first years of the 18th Century.

Manoel Gomes Galhardo was baptized in Milhazes, Barcelos, Portugal in 22/Dec/1686

He became a Captain and a big landowner in Brazil

Sesmaria de Manoel Gomes Galhardo, Rio Areias Grandes, Terra Firme da Ilha de São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, in Brazil

4th Great-Grandfather (1718-1792)

Region of the Farm of my 2nd great-Grandfather João Gomes de Oliveira (1824-1892). Rio Cubatão, Pirabeiraba, Joinville. On the 5th of February of 1882 the Xocleng Indians attacked the farm and João Gomes de Oliveira and his Black Slaves had to resist. That was the last attack of the Natives to the family property.

Kolonie Zeitung, o jornal em alemão de Joinville:
"No domingo, dia 5 deste mês (fevereiro/1882), os bugres invadiram a nova fazenda do Sr. João Gomes de Oliveira. O proprietário retirou-se da propriedade na noite anterior, com sua família e seus negros, porque estavam desarmados, mas retornaram no dia seguinte com armas.
Quando do seu retorno à propriedade, encontraram tudo destruído; as peças de cobre do alambique foram arrancadas e roubadas, todas as ferramentas em ferro, como machados e similares, também roubados, pipas de cachaça foram destruídas a machadadas. A plantação de milho foi danificada. Esta propriedade está situada a 17 km da cidade, aproximadamente em frente à Serraria do Príncipe, na outra margem do Rio Cubatão".

Joinville today. My Grandfather José Gomes de Oliveira was born here in 2/JAN/1896

The map of the Family in São Francisco do Sul, Joinville and some signatures in the 18th Century

I was born in 1964 in the Center of Rio de Janeiro, Ordem do Carmo, Lapa, exactly here:

J1b M365 is negative to Z1834

The new J1 SNP Z1834 associated with J1 DYS388=13 is negative to M365. I tested with FTDNA and I am Z1834 negative.

J1 is a complex and diverse haplogroup. Ideologies, religions and identities are always related to the history of J1, so the sub-haplogroups are fundamental for the history and expansion of this decisive antique civilization-maker and religion-maker haplogroup

As November of 2011 we have:

J1* - Small pockets of STRs waiting for a SNP and for a history in Eurasia and Africa.

J1a - M62. Old SNP . A singleton found in a Crimean Tatar of Uzbekistan

J1b - M365. Originally found in Eastern Anatolia and in Georgia. Now we have two small hotspots in Northern Iran and in Western Iberia and thinly scattered cases in Devon, England, the French Pyrenees and in Belgium. The Caspian Iranian cases and the Portuguese-Brazilian cases are matching in more or less 2000 years, a historical TMRCA dating to the Fall the Roman Empire. Pretty distinctive modal haplotype associated to J1b and a basal branch of the J1 haplogroup. The distinctive J1b modal haplotype is usually associated with the Ancient Iranian languages and peoples in Eastern Anatolia and Northern Iran. A map with the J1b types:

J1c - L136 and the big P58 group. The J1c3d (L147) is the traditional J1-Deep South usually associated with the Semitic imaginary. Monotheism, Deserts, Camels, Jews, Arabs et Caterva. Desinformed people will take this important J1 sub-haplogroup as the totality of the J1 experience, what is a mistake committed for begginers in genetic genealogy. J1d- Z11834 (plus more Z SNPs discovered in November of 2011) or the bulk of the DYS388=13 casesJim's Map of 388=13
We can observe in Jim's map of J1 388=13 almost a precise straight diagonal line to the West of the Caucasus, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Eastern Anatolia, Pontus, Armenia, Northen Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. To the East of this line J1 388=13 is rare in Northern Iran and in the Southern Caspian shores, where the rare J1b types can be found and 388=13 is also rare to the Southern semi-arid areas where the "Semitic" P58+ L147+ types are dominant. 388=13 is also present and thinly spreaded in Greece, Eastern Europe and parts of Western Europe. It looks like the three mentioned types of J1 (Z1834, L147 and M365) had a completely different history and a completely different pattern of migrations and expansions. They were not living together and they were not moving together because they are found in different places with different frequencies. The smallest and rarest SNP, J1b M365 is completely absent in several populations where 388=13 is found and L147 is dominant. In the detailed SMGF database there are only two J1b types hotspots: in Northern Iran and in Portugal, so J1b could be perhaps one of the elements in the individuality of the Portuguese language and Portuguese Empire in Brazil where J1b is regularly found in most of the regions. No J1b was found in the Mediterranean Sea. Probably Z1834 participated in all the ethnic and political movements across the Z1834 divide line to the West, since the Neolithic, the Bronze Age, the Persian Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire, Byzantium, the Ottoman Empire. Tests with the 1000 Genomes Project also revealed that Z1842+ would be J1d1 !

domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011

The “J1b type” is thinly scattered around Western Europe

Another “J1b type” singleton (up to the moment) in the French Heritage Project

France J1 13 22 15 10 12-18 11 15 12 13 11 29 19 8-9 11 11 25 14 20 25 14-15-16-16 10 9 21-21 15 13 18 17 33-35 12 10

Laborde is a French surname heavily concentrated in the French Pyrenees

Why the “J1b type” Ley, from Devon, England is a “singleton” and the same can be observed in relation to Laborde, from France ?
It seems that the “J1b type” is thinly scattered around Western Europe with the two unrelated cases in Devon and probably in the French Pyrenees ?
Why there’s a small frequency but at a regular rate of the “J1b type” in Western Iberia, mainly in the Portuguese populational stock ? I can find the “J1b type in almost all Brazilian regional samples at the frequency of 0,5%, from the West to the East, from the North to the South of Brazil ? It seems that the “J1b type” was present since the foundational stock in the Minho, the cradle of the Portuguese population around the year 1100, so the advance of the Portuguese frontier in the Reconquista and in the conquest and colonization of Brazil would spread the “Portuguese J1b type” at a regular rate.
Another point is the estimation of the TMRCA (Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor) of the “J1b types in Iran, Portugal, France and in England ? The TMRCA is practically the same around 1500 years (more or less), as we can see in the Mcgee Y-utility
The question is how the “J1b type”, a small clade found only in Eastern Anatolia-Georgia-Northern Iran and the Caspian adjacencies arrived in Western Europe around the year 400 ?
The Arthurian Legends had the steppe component from the Caucasus, probably a group of haplotypes from that part of the world could arrive in Western Europe around the period of the Fall of the Roman Empire, a window of opportunity linking the Atlantic with the Caspian Sea, not only the possible “J1b types”, but also Caucasian types of the G haplogroup and others could had arrived in that conjuncture. The fact is that the “J1b types” had a common ancestor somewhere close to Northern Iran 2000 years ago because the structure of the matches between the Western European “J1b types” and the Iranian “J1b types”. The TMRCA is quite close to 1500-2000 years and there’s a starlike type of expansion of all “J1b types” since then. So some of the legends in Western Europe could perhaps be connected with the Iranic-type of knights and mercenaries present in Western Europe in that time ? Some wrote about the Sarmatians but the Alans could be a good candidate for the extinct Iranic groups that could reach Western Europe by the fall of the Roman Empire as the source of the Western European “J1b types “ ?

sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011

"J1b type" from England ?

One "J1b type" haplotype from Devon, England

FTDNA 211891

I have been analyzing all J haplotypes published in every public database or article in the last five years.
We have found the “J1b type” in Northern Iran and in Western Iberia. Now we have the first English candidate.
I have never found any “J1b type” in the Mediterranean area and no Jew or Arab FTDNA Project had any “J1b type”.
The Iberian and Portuguese haplotypes have more proximity than the Iranian haplotypes.
I tried to use the Mcgee Y-utility. I would give more centuries to the calculus there, but there’s an idea about the temporal connections there.
The English haplotype is equidistant between the Iranians and the Iberians !
The TMRCA time to most recent common ancestor can be related to 1500-2000 years ago, the period of the Fall of the Roman Empire, when the Eastern Barbarians arrived in Western Europe, so the Iranic Alans conjecture looks like a good hypothesis in my opinion !

domingo, 10 de julho de 2011

J1b type. From the Caspian Sea to Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

New YHRD release N° 37.
Another J1b type was found in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. One in 50 (1/50). Keeping the same ratio observed of more or less 0,5% of J1b's types in any Portuguese speaking sampled populational stock tested. As always any Brazilian sample is showing the J1b types at the same proportion already observed.

Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil and the Caspian Sea !

19 389i 389ii 390 391 392 393 385 438 439 437 448 456 458 635 ygatah4

15 13 29 22 10 11 13 12,19 10 11 14 20 15 18.2 21 10 - Mato Grosso do Sul

15 13 29 22 10 11 13 12,20 10 11 14 20 15 18.2 21 10 - Rasht - Gilaki, Iran

Mato Grosso was the farthest frontier of the Portuguese and the Brazilian Empire. In the 18th century a travel from Lisbon to Macau, in China, was shorter and easier than the trip to Mato Grosso, the continental heartland of South America. A very difficult trip facing some of the most fearsome Amerindians from Brazil always ambushing the explorers. Only the Brazilian Bandeirantes could conquer that remote frontiers fighting the natives, the animals, the diseases, the tropical dangers and the Paraguayans from the Spanish Empire in the big tropical swamps upstream of the Spanish controlled Paraguay River. The cost worth the prize because nowadays Mato Grosso is the world's biggest producer of soybean and bovine meat, full of empty spaces in the Northern Cerrados.

As I have predicted here, the Brazilian J1b haplotype constitutes approximately +/- 0,5% of any sample of the Brazilian population descendant from the old Minho's frontier in the Christian Reconquista.

domingo, 15 de maio de 2011

Caucasian J1(xP58)

Parallel Evolution of Genes and Languages in the Caucasus Region
Oleg Balanovsky et al
Mol Biol Evol (2011) doi: 10.1093/molbev/msr126

J1 is the major haplogroup in the Caucasus with the most complex and diverse phylogenetic network in the region. Of all the major Caucasian haplogroups (G2a3b1, G2a1a, J2a4b), J1 (xP58) is also the most frequent haplogroup present around the Caspian Sea and the most frequent in Northern Iran. Other J1 (xP58) SNP like J1b M365 is a Northern Iranian haplogroup forming a distinct cluster with the Western European, Western Iberian Portuguese-Brazilian J1b haplotypes, what possibly can be a genetic testimony of a section of the Iranian-speaking Alan presence in Lusitania and Northwestern Iberia, well attested in historical documents and plausible in terms of their TMRCA in the Atlantic and the Caspian shores.

sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2011

Singlarities of the Brazilian J1b cluster

Singularities of the Portuguese-Brazilian J1b modal and DYS frequencies in the entire SMGF database

393= 13 - 70,981%
390=22 - 11,352%
19=15 - 23,930%
Three common markers but in sequence - 13-22-15, they are very rare in the J1 haplogroup results. Only the J1b cluster in the FTDNA J Project J1’s clusters have that sequence.
385 a/b = 12/19 - 0,147% (rare markers, just like 12/20 - 0,167%)
388=16 - 1,677% (associated with the J haplogroup)
458=18.2 - 0,375% or 17.2- 0,539% (.2 functions almost like a J1 SNP)
459=8/9 - 17,077%
GATA H4.1 = 9 - 0,252% (very rare)
YCAII=21/22 - 1,187% (rare)
461=10 - 1,187% (rare)
635=21 - 21,159% (marker very present in mini-haplotypes from articles and in the YHRD base)

The modal:
Four Iranian haplotypes Shahroud, Astane, Abadeh and Tehran.
Two Brazilians and one Reunion Island of Portuguese origin and the new haplotype from Peru.

The longest distance from the modal is found in the two extremes, the Iranian from Shahroud with the genetic difference of 29/36 and the Iberian-Peruvian, with the same genetic distance of 29/36 from the proposed equidistant modal.

Shahroud, Semnan, Iran - Match of 29/36

Markers Generations Years
Most Likely TMRCA more than 50 generations - more than 1550 years.
25% Cumulative Probability: 43 generations - 1333 years.
50% Cumulative Probability more than 50 more than 1550.
75% Cumulative Probability more than 50 more than 1550.

León D. from Peru- Match of 29/36

Markers - Generations - Years
Most Likely TMRCA more than 50 generations - more than 1550 years.
25% Cumulative Probability: 44 generations - 1364 years.
50% Cumulative Probability more than 50 more than 1550.
75% Cumulative Probability more than 50 more than 1550.

It seems that the J1b cluster slipped from the Roman Empire and evicted the Islamic Caliphate just crossing, crusading and fighting for survival against both enemies in the two distant and different edges (Caspian Sea and Portugal) at the end of both civilizations. The next step to the cluster was the Portuguese Seaborne Empire sailing and reaching places far more distant than the Romans and Arabs had ever been.
That's the complete SMGF modal sequence of the Portuguese-Brazilian/Northern Iranian J1b cluster.

quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011

New Talysh-Gilaki J1 cluster

New Talesh or Talysh-Gilaki J1 cluster found in the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF):


Portuguese-Brazilian J1b and Northern Iranian modal:
385=12-19 or 12-20

The two Branches:

The Talysh-Gilaki cluster is a smaller and more homogeneous cluster in terms of STR, the estimated time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) is close to 1000 years. The J1b Portuguese-Brazilian cluster TMRCA is close to 1500 years and the united Portuguese-Brazilian+Northern Iranian branch TMRCA is more than 2500 years.

Historical sources can relate the Root to some Ancient Iranian peoples like the Cadusii, Dailamites(Deylamites), the Medes and the Alans of the South-Western Caspian areas.

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

J1a M62 is Crimean Tatar

J1a M62 was reported by Ornela Semino et al - Origin, Diffusion and Differentiation of Y chromosome Haplogroups E and J: Inferences on the Neolithization of Europe and later Migratory events in the Mediterranean Area. 2004. Am J Hum Genet 74(5) 1023-1034.

Table 2, 184 samples from Central Asia- 9,2% were J1 M267 and only one 0.5% was M62.

Peter Underhill, a co-author, told me that the M62 was found in one of 22 Crimean Tatars samples collected by Spencer Wells and mentioned in Well et al 2001 PNAS publication. It would be DYS388=13.